Aid for pupils, not profit

Decision-makers are calling for more aid to be spent on helping UK business including expensive and inaccessible private schools – shifting the focus away from building a better world with access to education for everyone, towards boosting the profits of multinationals.

We don’t have time to lose. The profit-first approach to aid is costing children their education and with it, their future.

Please donate today to ensure that aid isn’t used to boost corporate profits, but instead to build a better and more sustainable world.

With your support we can change the popular narrative around aid. Together we’ll put pressure on politicians to listen to the weight of evidence, to stop funding dodgy private schools and instead invest in public education – the only sustainable way to really improve access to schools for all children.

Check out what your donation could do

Your donation today could make sure we can:

  • Mobilise thousands of people online to lobby the government to use aid for public good – like public education – and not private gain.
  • Cover the costs of lobby meetings with influential politicians, to show them our detailed evidence against the privatisation of aid and push them to support public services instead.
  • Help us put on a joint event with the National Education Union to build the movement among teachers and schools.
  • Get Global Justice Now speakers to local events across the country to inform people about the failings of aid and rally them to act for change.


Call 020 7820 4900 or 0800 328 2153 to give now. Lines are open 9:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday. Donations to this appeal will fund Global Justice Now's work generally, making our aid campaign possible.