Fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis, threatening communities and futures all around the world. Yet despite 30 years of UN climate negotiations, the fossil fuel industry is still expanding.
The Fossil Fuel Treaty is a bold and workable proposal that could see governments globally negotiate a path to cleaner air, a healthier planet, and a more equal world. The treaty is the global exit plan from fossil fuels that we need.
We can help make it happen by getting our MPs to support it, putting pressure on the UK government to do the same.
Can you write to your MP and demand they support the Fossil Fuel Treaty?
What is the Fossil Fuel Treaty?
The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is a global campaign for an international treaty with three pillars:
1. Non-Proliferation
Stop making the problem worse by ending the expansion of coal, oil and gas production.
2. A Fair Phase-Out
An equitable plan for the wind down of existing fossil fuel production, where nations with the capacity and historical responsibility for emissions transition fastest, providing support to others around the world.
3. Just Transition
Fast track the adoption of clean energy and economic diversification away from fossil fuels so that no worker, community or country is left behind.
The Fossil Fuel Treaty could force rich countries – like the UK – to fulfil their obligations to countries in the global south, which face the worst effects of climate breakdown but have done the least to cause it. It could provide a plan for dismantling the climate-wrecking business models of fossil fuel giants, helping the world decarbonise at speed.
If you support our campaign, you’ll be part of a growing global movement that’s demanding a Fossil Fuel Treaty. It’s spearheaded by countries in the global south which are leaders on climate, including Vanuatu, Fiji and Antigua and Barbuda.
Photo: Vuk Valcic / Alamy Stock Photo