Your MP can sign a parliamentary petition to show their support for the Fossil Fuel Treaty – write to them today!
Rachael Maskell MP has tabled an Early Day Motion, which is a type of parliamentary petition, calling for the UK government to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty. Signing this is a great way for MPs to show that they support the treaty and a globally just transition from fossil fuels.
Lots of signatures from MPs could help put pressure on the government by showing that there is a broad range of support for this campaign.
Can you write to your MP now and ask them to sign EDM 111 and support this vital plan for a globally just transition?
Read more - what is an Early Day Motion?
An Early Day Motion (EDM) is a type of parliamentary petition that MPs can sign to show their support for an idea, a change in law or even a group of people.
Any MP can table an EDM and it will be live and available for others to sign until the parliamentary session, which usually lasts about a year, ends.
EDMs are not legally binding, and the government is not compelled to respond, but they can be a great way to demonstrate that a lot of MPs support an idea. If they get enough signatures, they can even attract media attention, as well as being a great building block for more campaigning in parliament on a particular issue.
Photo: Marinesea/Shutterstock