Thank you for deciding to support Global Justice Now. Your donation will help us campaign for justice and build a more equal world.
We want to live in a world based on community, solidarity and equality. So we’re campaigning to stop unjust trade deals, to challenge the unrestrained power of big business and support the rights of migrants. But we can't do it without you.
Time and again we’ve seen that people really can change things when they stand together and challenge the powerful. Like in 2016 when, by working together as a movement, we killed off the toxic US-EU trade deal TTIP.
With a donation today you'll make our campaigns stronger and our voice louder.
The more support we receive the more impact we can have. Global Justice Now relies on donations from individuals for nearly two thirds of our funding. It's how we stay independent – so we can always remain unafraid to speak truth to power.
You can also sign up as a member from only £2 per month, or £24 per year. As a member you receive our magazine ‘Ninety-Nine’ three times a year and can have a say in the future of Global Justice Now by voting in our annual general meetings and be involved in choosing the people who govern our organisation
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