Join us for Global Justice Youth's first summer gathering!
📣 With an incredible line up of international activists and social justice movements
🎶 With live music and DJs
📝 With activist trainings and campaign workshops
🏕 We'll be camping around camp fires and there'll be time for relaxing in nature
🥗 We'll be cooking good food and there'll be a pop-up bar
📅 Friday 14 July - Sunday 16 July
📍 Laughton Lodge (near Lewes, East Sussex), beautiful nature spot and community centre
Line up
We’re excited to be joined by Ivonne Yanez of Oilwatch Latin America and president of Acción Ecológica where she works to protect Ecuador’s ecosystems and communities from extractive industries.
Mohammed Elnaiem of the Decolonial Centre and Sabrina Espeleta from War on Want will be talking with Global Justice Now director Nick Dearden about how our neo-colonial global economy works, and the systemic alternatives that social movements are pushing for, such as food sovereignty.
Sasha Reza Chohra, a youth activist from our sister organisation ATTAC France, will join us to discuss the massive revolt against neoliberal policies in France right now.
And Alex Etchart & Vientos will bring South American ballads with British and Irish folk melodies and electronica!
Detailed logistics
Arrivals: Dinner on Friday will be from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, though you're invited to arrive any time after 2pm on Friday to give yourself time to settle in and enjoy the lovely site. The opening session of the weekend is at 7.30pm.
Shuttle service: We're running a shuttle service between Lewes train station and the site of the gathering - Laughton Lodge, so you don’t have to get a bus or taxi. Please sign up for these lifts on the form.
Travel subsidies: When booking your trip, remember to send us your receipts and bank details if you’d like us to cover 50% of your travel costs. Our policy is below.
Camping: You’ll need to bring a tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag and something to use as a pillow. There are still limited indoor sleeping for those that need this for accessibility. Any questions about this, let us know at the email below.
Toilets and showers: There are indoor fully-accessible toilets and showers, as well as outdoor compost toilets and showers. Please bring your own toiletries and towels.
Site: We also have a preliminary layout map. If it would be helpful to see this please get in touch at the email below.
Food and drink: The meals we're providing as part of the gathering will be vegan, with gluten free options. If you'd like to see the full menu for dietary requirements, please let us know at the email below. There will be a paid bar (cash or card) on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Welfare support: We will have welfare support staff all weekend (including a 24hr emergency number). There will be indoor and outdoor quiet spaces. Please read our intentional spaces policy before coming.
Please get in touch with, if you have any accessibility questions. We can provide other sleeping options.
- Travel subsidy policy
Book your travel before Monday 15 May to get a 60% reimbursement from Global Justice Now (if your fare is £160 or less). With a minimum of a £10 personal contribution.
If you book your travel after Monday 15 May Global Justice Now will pay 50% of your fare, if your fare is £160 or less. With a minimum of a £10 personal contribution.
Subsidies are available on a first come first serve basis, so please book your tickets and request a subsidy as soon as you can. We also encourage people to use a rail card if you can. Where possible, we also ask that you take the cheaper travel route if you are able to. The lower we keep costs; the more people we can support!
We will refund you via bank transfers. You will need to send us your receipt and bank details (name, sort code and account number) by email.
Leelou will be in charge of organising travel subsidies, so contact them directly to send this information and if you have any questions (depending on circumstance we may be able to offer more support) 😊