Help us cancel the debt

The current global debt system is deeply flawed. It encourages high rates of borrowing by governments, then forces the burden of debt onto the shoulders of citizens. Public services and human rights are sacrificed to ever increasing debt repayments.  

We’ve seen the devastating consequences of this during the Covid-19 pandemic, as instead of being able to prioritise funding for vital healthcare and vaccines for their citizens, many global south governments are instead having to pay off crippling debts to some of the largest financial corporations in the world.

That’s why we’re calling on banks to cancel debt, and governments to enact regulations. Together, we can fix this.

►Find out what your donation could do

Your donation would make a big difference to the campaign, it would:

  • help develop and share resources about the changes we need to this broken debt system
  • help brief MPs to bring debt cancellation discussion to Parliament
  • mobilise supporters to push banks and the government to take action
  • help to amplify the voices of the citizens saddled with the burden of their governments’ unfair debt
  • fund research to uncover the extent of inequality caused by greedy debt practices

Cancel the debt


Call 020 7820 4900 or Freephone 0800 328 2153 to give now. Lines are open 9:30am-1pm Monday to Thursday. Donations to this appeal will fund Global Justice Now's work generally, making our this campaign possible.