Together with supporters like you Global Justice Now holds the government to account. We make sure trade deals don’t just benefit big business but work for people and planet. Together we are a powerful voice speaking up for our rights and challenging the corporate agenda.
By joining as a member today you’ll help to strengthen our campaigns for trade that works for people and planet, not big business.
Over the past two years we've won on two of our demands - the UK has dropped corporate courts from the UK-Australia and UK-Canada trade deals. We need to keep up the pressure for the UK to exit the Energy Charter Treaty and stop joining Trans-Pacific Partnership.
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When you join us as a member with a regular gift you ensure we can see a campaign through to the end. You join our movement for a fairer world, and help us to act with integrity and independence. You help us to plan campaigns, to mobilise supporters, to inform the public, to educate decision makers, to drive progress and achieve change.