Join as a young member

Global Justice Now staff and youth network members at the ATTAC Summer University for social movements
Becoming a member of Global Justice Now doesn’t just help to fund our campaigning – it means you’re part of a collective project to build a better world.

As a member, you also get to vote (or stand for) our council and have a say in what we do. Our standard minimum membership rate is £36/year, but if you’re under 26, you can now join at our youth rate of £12/year, or just £1/month.*

As a member, you’ll receive our magazine three times a year with news about our campaigns and analysis of global justice issues around the world. As well as being able to vote at our AGM and council elections, you’ll have the opportunity to get involved in our youth network, which has its own events and priorities.

Most of our funding comes from individual members, which helps ensure we have a strong, independent voice challenging corporate power and inequality. And the bigger our membership, the more we’re likely to be listened to. So if you agree with what we say, join us. Together, we’re powerful.

*You’re eligible for youth membership until your 26th birthday. As soon as you turn 26 you will be automatically upgraded to a waged adult membership with a minimum donation of £3 a month or £36 a year (depending on your initial preference). We will send you a notification letter or email at least two weeks before the first new donation amount is taken to let you know and to also ask you to let us know if you are eligible for our adult unwaged membership rate, which is also £12 a year. You can change or cancel your donation any time by contacting us on 020 7820 4900 or emailing