Make sure there’s a radical voice at this year’s climate talks

This year the COP26 UN climate talks will be happening in Glasgow, and there’s already been discussion about it in the media. The climate emergency is happening now, and we just can’t afford not to act. We need to do everything we can to push for meaningful changes at these talks. 

Can you donate today to help mobilise thousands of people to push for radical change at this year’s COP? 

Shockingly, just twenty corporations are responsible for a third of modern global climate change emissions. Our broken economic system has handed big business so much power and wealth that they can pretty much do as they like, despite the catastrophic impacts on people and the planet. We need serious changes to this system. 

►Find out what your donation could do

By donating today your gift can help:

  • Run talks and workshops in the run-up to the COP to engage new people in the climate emergency and raise awareness about how corporations are contributing to the crisis.
  • Plan and co-ordinate our mobilisation with other organisations as part of the biggest climate coalition in the UK to date.
  • Organise transport to Glasgow and the protests so we can get as many people out on the streets as possible, making our voices heard.
  • Get articles into the media and online before and throughout the COP, to raise awareness about how corporate power is fuelling the climate crisis.


Call 020 7820 4900 or 0800 328 2153 to give now. Lines are open 9:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday. Donations to this appeal will fund Global Justice Now's work generally, making our climate campaign possible.

Photo: © Chris Yakimov