Support the fight against a trade deal with Trump

Although it’s not clear who will form the next government, one thing is clear: there is no mandate for a toxic trade deal with the US.

We know that if the Conservative Party / Boris Johnson form a government they will ramp up their talks with the US within a matter of weeks, threatening our NHS, our food standards and our ability to deal with the climate emergency.

The hung parliament we have defied the opinion polls. We believe the threat of a US trade deal, which became central to the general election campaign, helped to shift the dial.

The election has shown how much opposition there is to a trade deal with Trump. We now need to build on this opposition and stop this deal. But we need your help.

Check out what your donation could do

Your donation today could make sure we can:

  • help create informative communications such as videos to raise public awareness so that decision-makers can’t ignore our demands. 
  • pay for leaflets and other materials for our creative actions in supermarkets highlighting the risks of a US-UK trade deal to the general public and urging them to take action.
  • allow us to keep lobbying MPs by writing them useful and informative briefings to help persuade them to stop the US-UK trade deal.
  • help us to organise a UK-wide speaker tour on the dangers of a trade deal with Trump, to catch the attention of the public, the media and key decision-makers.  
  • Get Global Justice Now speakers to local events across the country to inform people about the failings of aid and rally them to act for change.


Call 020 7820 4900 or 0800 328 2153 to give now. Lines are open 9:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday. Donations to this appeal will fund Global Justice Now's work generally, making our trade campaign possible.