We have a big opportunity for trade justice. The UK-Colombia investment deal has now come to the end of its first term and is open for renegotiation, which means it can be scrapped altogether. This toxic deal contains corporate courts, which enable mining giants to sue Colombia for millions of dollars over policies it has taken to protect its environment and communities.
Now is our chance to end this destructive deal. Labour has expressed concerns about corporate courts. And now, as our government draws up its new trade strategy, we must make sure it acts to stop them. Starting with the UK-Colombia agreement.
Your donation will help mobilise more and more people so the UK government is forced to act.
- What your gift can do
- Expose the injustice of the UK-Colombia agreement in the media, giving voice to our Colombian allies, so more people will understand and mobilise against it.
- Make sure our government hears our demands loud and clear, through organising demonstrations and online actions.
- Get more of the public to back the campaign by raising awareness through talks and engaging online and offline materials.
- Strengthen the grassroots movement by working closely with activist groups and trade unions, both here and in Colombia.
- Bolster the wider movement against corporate courts by co-ordinating with allies around the world in a joint global campaign.
Donations will fund Global Justice Now's work generally, making our trade campaign possible.
Photo: Stop ISDS international mission to Colombia. Credit: TerraJusta