Amazingly small-scale farmers feed 70 per cent of the global population. Yet they face increasing violence because their way of life ‘stands in the way’ of the expansion of corporate agriculture.
We must convince our government to support the UN declaration of small-scale farmers’ rights. With a donation today you can help to:
- Mobilise people in the UK to take action and heap pressure on the government to support the UN declaration.
- Expose our government for unjustly opposing small-scale farmers’ rights at the last negotiations of the UN declaration by getting the story into the media.
- Raise public awareness about the horrific violence to small-scale farmers by producing an engaging booklet of case studies and promoting a digital animation.
- Get our campaigners to Germany for the International Peasants Congress in March, to work with allies to coordinate the global campaign for the recognition of small-scale farmers’ rights.
Together, we can act in solidarity with small-scale farmers the world over by standing up for their rights and way of life.
Tired of typing? Call 020 7820 4900 or 0800 328 2153 to give now.
Lines are open 10am-5pm Monday to Friday.
Donations to this appeal will fund Global Justice Now's work generally, making our campaign against violence to small-scale food producers possible.
Photo: Agência Brasília. Representatives of the MST (which stands for Rural Landless Workers’ Movement in Portuguese), Brazil.