Stop the government helping speculators profit from the food crisis

Thank you for deciding to support our campaign against the government rolling back financial regulation, fuelling a wave of speculation and driving up the cost of food.  

The government’s plan could have a disastrous impact on the lives of many people here and across the world, during this cost of living crisis and beyond.  

With enough support we can challenge the Financial Services and Markets Bill and put pressure on the government to change direction.  

Please donate to help expose how this bill could enable excessive speculation and get more people involved taking action with us.  

  • What your donation would do

    Your donation could help:

    • Mobilise more people to contact their MP to raise concerns about the bill and its impact on food prices.

    • Expose the impact of stripping away financial regulation on the lives of people here and across the world in the media.

    • Support a coalition to build parliamentary resistance to the bill.