Stop the Medicines Monopoly

Big business is monopolising medicines and making eye-watering profits by jealously guarding their recipes through patents. Like never before, the pandemic has highlighted just how broken the pharmaceutical industry is – serving big business’s shareholders rather than patients. And it’s costing people’s lives.

Monopolies stop millions of people being able to access the vital medicines they need because they are too expensive or too scarce. This creates huge inequality worldwide. 

We can’t let this injustice continue. We must stand together against the monopolisation of medicines. Will you donate today to give our movement the boost it needs to create serious change?

  • What your donation could do

    A donation from you could help increase the size and influence of our movement and create a more equal global healthcare system by:

    • Producing and distributing films featuring activists and health workers from the global south to raise awareness about the reality of big pharma’s profiteering.

    • Publishing research presenting alternatives to the current system to convince decision makers change is possible.

    • Upping the pressure on the government and opposition parties to side with health workers and patients around the world, not big business.

    • Building a wider coalition for change by working with unions and health workers.

Protest outside Pfizer

Image © Jess Hurd