Suspend patents on Covid-19 vaccines

Covid vaccines are a life-saver for millions – but the world isn’t producing them fast enough.

Every available vaccine factory should be joining the global vaccine effort – but instead many are lying idle.

Big pharma companies own the patents on the vaccines, and they’re refusing to let others produce them.

With rich countries buying up most of the available doses, we are facing a global ‘vaccine apartheid’.

It’s not only unjust – if the virus mutates and the vaccines stop working, the whole world will be back to square one.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

South Africa and India have proposed a suspension of patents on Covid-19 vaccines and treatments during the pandemic. It would allow the world to ramp up production.

But rich countries like the UK are blocking it at the World Trade Organization.

Please sign the urgent petition to drop the patents, and get affordable vaccines to everyone, everywhere as quickly as possible.

Image: solarseven/Shutterstock

  • Jon D 20.02.2025 08:44