Take Trade Secretary Liam Fox to Court

Trade secretary Liam Fox thinks he can get away with negotiating post-Brexit trade deals behind closed doors. This flies in the face of democracy.

We know that Fox's department has been meeting with as many countries as he can in secret trade ‘working groups’, from the US Trump administration to the Saudi Arabian dictatorship.

Time and again we’ve made Freedom of Information requests to find out more about what Liam Fox is planning. And all we’ve got back is blacked out notes from his meetings. It’s deeply dodgy.

Top secret

The trade deals Liam Fox wants could entrench privatisation within the NHS, block action on climate change and slash food standards. We have a right to know what’s ahead and have a say.

We want to take Liam Fox to court to ensure that the details of his secret trade meetings with other countries are made public for the first time.

Taking Liam Fox to court will cost around £5,000, and we need your help to cover this. A donation could help pay for barrister fees, expert witnesses and raising awareness about the court case.

Check out what your donation could do

  • £80 could help cover barrister fees to be able to bring our case to court.
  • £55 could go towards commissioning expert witnesses to testify in court.
  • £40 could help raise awareness about the court case amongst the public by promoting it on social media.

If we win the case we’d bring vital new information on Fox’s dodgy deals into the public domain. By donating today you would be helping to give our trade campaign a real boost, generating opportunities for high profile media-coverage.

Your donation would help strengthen our position in the fight against Liam Fox’s toxic trade agenda. Whatever the verdict, we’ll do all we can to make the case a big story, highlighting the vital need for more transparency and scrutiny over post-Brexit trade negotiations.


Call 020 7820 4900 or 0800 328 2153 to give now. Lines are open 9:30am-5:30pm Monday to Friday.

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